Senin, 11 Juli 2016

Evian Facial Spray Review

Hi angels,
Summer is finally here and we need a lot of products to keep our skin hydrated right? Summer in Indonesia is really crazy and hot plus with the traffic jam everywhere, hectic life, and lots of things make me really want to disappear from the world a bit. But, we can’t do that right? So, let’s just face it!

Talking about summer, in Indonesia, the highest that it can get mostly 33-34 Celsius. I heard that it can get crazier in other country. Some people said it can get until 40 Celsius. I have a friend from Netherlands, he said that he can bear the heat rather than the cold. I said the opposite from him, I can bear the cold but not the heat. It’s because my country does not have winter season while in his country does. I guess human never can be satisfied hahaha.

If the weather gets really hot, I bet all people will feel uncomfortable. I cannot live without air conditioner and I cannot bear the heat. Every time I went outside when it gets super-hot, my face will turn red and obviously it’s not cute at all. So, I will talk about a product that can help your face calm a bit after getting on the sun too much.

“Evian Natural Mineral Water”

Used daily all year around, Evian Facial Spray hydrates your skin, helps fix your make-up, freshens and purifies.

Spray Evian Facial Spray on skin several times a day. Leave for a few minutes then gently dab.

This spray is everything. Actually, I feel that this spray it’s just like a water without any ingredients in it but that what makes it great! Just imagine whenever you feel your face burning or hot then you can simply spray it and it can make you feel fresh again, just like you wash your face in the morning!

The other thing that I can do with it is when my face feels oily. Whenever I feel my face becomes oily and greasy, I spray this into my face and just let it sit for a few minutes. Then, it will clear away all your oil and the greasy feeling and leaving your face feeling moist.

This product can be used before and after makeup but actually I rarely use it for that purpose. It’s because this spray makes your face really wet and I feel that it can make your makeup transfers everywhere. But a lot of people use it to set their makeup, so the only advice I can give is to spray it in a good amount (not too much) and do not dab it with tissue or anything when it is still wet. Just let it sit and absorbs to your skin by itself.

Because it feels just like water and nothing in it (my own thinking of course), it does not give you kind of moisturizer or skin product in it. It just makes your skin feel hydrated and nice. Evian itself is famous for the mineral water line, so, don’t doubt the quality of their water!


Hold the bottle a bit far away from your face and spray it in a good amount just as your desire. The spray in this is bottle is the best of all. When it sprayed into your face, it feels like it cover your face with a gentle spray. I know, you probably thinking, what are you trying to say? I can’t find a word for it! Just try it yourself and feel the happiness :p

Name   : Evian Facial Spray
Type    : Facial spray
Size     : 300 ml
Rate     : 10/10
Price    : Rp 150.000 (if they have discount) and Rp 199.000 in normal price. / $15-20

It will never hurt to have one and put it in your bag! Just spray it every time it gets hot and you will get a nice feeling without even need to wash yourself up! ;)

Until next time,

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