Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

My Skincare

So, I want share a little bit of my skincare. Well, my collection not really big actually because I'm poor :') well.. but I just want to share what I usually use for my skin!

Skin Food Lettuce&Cucumber Emulsion

I will tell you my condition first. So yeah, one day after taking a shower, my skin got super dry and make me can't even smile because it feels so tight idk why.. So, I applied this into my face everyday and like a magic, my skin got super soft, chewy (idk what the other words. Now I feel my face like a cookie lol) and feel nice lah!

The product look like a white liquid and little bit sticky. Then when you apply it into you face, it feels like water, so you need to spread it all over your face and massage your face. It will dry quickly, when it is done, there will be no more sticky feeling. Your face will feel super good and moist. 

The another magic thing is, I got several big pimple and I can't do anything to take it off or whatever. But after I applied this product, the next day my pimple becomes harden and it take off by itself! This is magic.

Biokos Martha Tilaar Anti Wrinkle

I bought this several weeks ago and trying my best to apply it everyday, but I failed. Hmm..
Yes, I got super busy and I always forget to apply this thing. This is for your under eye circle. I got a super huge and dark under eye circle because I love to sleep late at night. I got a super huge amount of assignments and force me to not sleep early :')

So, there is a little pump in it. The liquid's color is transparant and it is sticky. When you applied it into your under eye, it will take much of your time because this thing didn't dry quickly. You need to massage it all around your eyes and tap it slowly.

Oriflame Diamond Cellular

I think I like this better than Biokos. Before Biokos, I use this a lot for my under eye circle. It shows it progess, I feel my under eye becomes brighter. But when I use this, I never forget to apply this everyday. But for the Biokos, I always forget to apply this. I will try to apply more often then we'll see if this really better than Biokos!

There is also a little pump in it. The liquid is white and not that sticky. When you applied it, spread it all around your eyes for a moment and it will come through your skin

Lip Ice Sheer Color

This lipbalm is super great! My lips got super dry once, then I applied this thing into my lip. The next day my lips go super soft and no more dry lip! This lipblam has a little bit color in it so you can use it when you are going out too! 

The texture is really sticky. Well, I don't like a sticky thing into my face or my lip or my anything. So, I just use this when I need it or when I'm home. But this lipbalm really a reat help for you dry lippiiess!

Acnes Point Clear Treatment Series

This thing is amazing! When you have a really big pimple just use this! It will be dissapear several days later. It is really good for pimples and I use this a lot lot.

The texture is not sticky at all! The texture is like water. It has a roll on thing to apply it into your face.

Biore Cleansing Strips Pore Pack

I think this thing is quite famous. Biore Pore Pack to remove your blackheads. It has 2 fragrance, Cherry Blossom and Green Tea. (I love the cherry blossom!)

Because this is already famous, no need to explain. Great!

Victoria Secret Handcream: Sheer Love

This is amazing. A m a z i n g. A to the mazing! This handcream is my life saver, my angel, my saviour, my everything! Okay, let me explain why I am this overreact like this.

Years ago, my pinkie got super dry and it becomes like a tree's fiber. It is super dry and hurt so so so much. A lot of products I have been using to cure it, but nothing happens. So, I give up and just use hansaplast whenever it hurts. It was really painful for me. Then I bought this handcream and start to apply it after taking a shower EVERYDAY. YOU KNOW WHAT, my hand becomes super soft and my pinkie-look-like-tree-fiber is finally gone!! I really really love love this handcream and I highly recommended this!!

The texture is not that sticky. It dries quickly when you apply it into your hands and spread it. The liquid color's is white and smeels like heaveenn!

Victoria Secret Body Butter: Sheer Love

Because of the the success of it's sibling, the mighty handcream, I decided to buy this. The texture is super sticky so you need really to spread it all over your skin to remove the stickyness. This is good but I think not as good as the handcream.

Clean&Clear Active Clear Speed Cleansing Acne Gel

I also think this product is already famous. This is also good for your pimple. If you have a pimple just use this and it will be dissapear several days later. I think this is almost the same like Agnes Point Clear in my description earlier.

Well, that's all of my skincare product. It is not that great, not that expensive, but it is surely super good and I highly recommended all of this! =)

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